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Worldwide Jetting Technology Market Forecast: 2006 - 2011

Market Overview

The Jetting Technology market is made up of several segments. These include:

  • CP & A (Commercial Printing and Addressing)
    • Piezo Electric
    • Thermal Ink Jet
  • Coding
    • Primary Coding
    • Secondary Coding
  • Packaging

InfoTrends has released a forecast entitled, Worldwide Jetting Technology Market Forecast: 2006-2011. This document explores the growth that is occurring in each of these divisions and provides results regarding shipments and revenues for the North American, European, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and Worldwide markets. It also offers forecast numbers pertaining to fluids.

Market Forecast

The coding market is much more mature in North America and Europe than it is in the Asia-Pacific and ROW (rest of world) regions. As a result, North America and Europe are expected to see slower growth rates than other areas of the world, particularly the Asia-Pacific region. Although certain sectors of this market (e.g., trident-based piezoelectric and valvejet) are inhibiting overall growth in many areas, these declines are generally offset by the high growth rates that are expected to occur within sectors such as non-trident-based piezoelectric and thermal ink jet.

The Asia-Pacific region will experience a healthy CAGR of 8.5% in secondary coding printer shipments, as shipments are projected to climb from 5,170 units in 2006 to 7,788 units in 2011. In addition, shipments of primary coding printers will grow at a CAGR of 6.6% from 2006 through 2011.

The CIJ (continuous ink jet) coding market is also fairly mature in North America, with overall revenues and shipments showing a slight decline over the forecast period (-1.0% CAGR). Meanwhile, the drop-on-demand market (including the piezoelectric and thermal segments) continues to show growth in revenues as well as shipments. In spite of its maturity, the CIJ market in Europe is expected to show steady growth throughout the forecast period in terms of shipments and revenues.

The Jetting Technology arena continues to show growth in some pockets of nearly all sectors. Vendors should make an effort to focus on the market segments that are expected to demonstrate positive growth rates through 2011, including the bindery segment of the CIJ market, drop-on-demand technologies, and thermal ink jet and non-trident-based piezoelectric technologies in the coding market. Because many of the markets in North America and Europe are approaching maturity, we believe that it also makes sense to begin targeting the Asia-Pacific and Latin America regions, as they might have untapped resources that could generate additional revenues.

The preceding is an excerpt from InfoTrends’ study entitled “Worldwide Jetting Technology Market Forecast: 2006-2011.” To learn more about the study or to make a purchase, please contact Scott Phinney at +1 ext. 123 or  .

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